The Daily DuBrule
It's mighty cold outside for the week after St. Patrick's day. The plants were rejoicing earlier last week with the warm, mild weather. They bravely appeared the minute the snowbanks above them melted. Snowdrops, snow crocus, Hellebores all opening their faces to the warm sunshine, celebrating the season of rebirth. Alas, winter weather returned. Snowflakes flying, frigid temperatures, bone chilling cold making it very uncomfortable to continue the pruning chores I had so hope to accomplish over the weekend.
As I look out my window I see my Iris histrioides 'George' flowers facing down the upcoming snow and ice storm with fortitude. They are so small and precious. I have been studying their progress all week from emerging buds to a fully open patch of purple beauty. Right next to them is an ancient 'Nova Zembla' rhododendron. The leaves on this plant give me an instant read on the temperature outside. I don't need to see a thermometer to know that I need to layer up today. The rhododendron leaves are curled up tight.
The contrast of my brave little irises and the curled rhododendron leaves remind me once again of the fact that March is the cruelest month in my opinion. You are teased by spring-like days and you feel that fever rising. The return of snow and ice is so much harder to take when spring is so close.
I need to learn some new coping skills to deal with this phenomenon. It is an all too familiar feeling. Scented candles, soothing music, a fire in the fireplace, and looking at hundreds of digital photos of flowers on my computer as I prepare for various talks I have to give all help. I focus on one of my favorite quotes, shared with so many friends for so many different reasons: "Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark."