Saturday, April 28, 2012

Coral Fay

Day 101
The Daily DuBrule

I have a peony in bloom on April 28th! For anyone who keeps track of these things (that would be me), those are strange words. Peonies are late May and June bloomers. Tree peonies usually bloom first, followed by herbaceous peonies. 'Coral Fay' is an herbaceous peony (it dies to the ground in the late fall). It is a bit shorter than my other peonies and the foliage is distinctively different, a little more finely cut. I have read that it is related to the fernleaf peony. The color is rich and vibrant. 

As I walk around my yard observing the progress of my many other peonies, I see the buds swelling and the ants crawling on them. They are after the sticky sap that the buds exude. We prefer to say that the "ants are tickling the peonies" to help them open. The pattern of our plants being 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule continues. Even with the very cold nights and chilly days we have experienced this week, the peonies seem determined to put on their brief, but grandiose display for Mother's Day instead of Memorial Day. 

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